Best Directory of Recruiters
Sorted by: 811 Industry and Job Specialties & by Location
16,240 Recruiter Listings
Entry Level to CEO's
USA and International
Listings contain:
Company, Contact, Address, Specialties, Location, Type of Recruiter,
International Affiliates, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail, Internet,WWW,
Videoconferencing numbers
Specifications: 832 pages, ISBN: 0-9636121-2-3 |
Best Directory of Recruiters On-Line
Sorted by: 800 Industry and Job Specialties & by Location
3,240 Recruiter Listings
Entry Level to CEO's
USA and International
Listings contain:
Company, Contact, Address, Specialties, Location, Type of Recruiter,
International Affiliates, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail, Internet,WWW,
Videoconferencing numbers
Specifications: 240 pages, ISBN: 0-9636121-6-6